I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Richard Pietro as part of his Stories from the Open Gov podcast. Richard has gotten some amazing speakers on his show including Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Ashley Casovan, Nathaniel Heller, Melanie Robert, Rob Davidson, Tony Clement, Michael Geist, Lindsey Marchessault, Ryan Androsoff, Tracey Lauriault, Keith Loo, and Jesse Hirsh. You should subscribe to the podcast and listen to it on SoundCloud. We talk about a range of things here from accessibility to...
Recent Blog Posts
DrupalNorth was held in Montreal this year. This event rotates between Canadian cities (so far only Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal). The goal is to bring together Drupal events across Canada and have one big one that can attract bigger presenters. I was lucky to present twice.
PersonalizationMy first presentation was Personalizaton and Building an Accessible Site, which you can watch on Youtube. The raw version of the slides is also available.
The challenge I explore is that the...
Celebrating 100 years in 2018, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Foundation is a non-profit organization driven to change what it is to be blind today. CNIB delivers innovative programs and powerful advocacy that empower people impacted by blindness to live their dreams and tear down barriers to inclusion. CNIB’s work as a blind foundation is powered by a network of volunteers, donors and partners from coast to coast to coast. The CNIB Foundation, Vision...
If you do a web search on ‘target audience’ you will be blasted with article after article on how important it is to know your audience. We have personas, user journeys and focus groups to learn about the people we want to influence. Everybody invests something in this elusive group of potential customers, clients or donors. Sometimes it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars spent across multiple agencies, sometimes its opinion based on the experience of a marketing director. Getting...
I do a lot of drawing on my computer and I enjoy it. It is also a part of my job. Like a lot of people in 2019, my work is mobile. My tools go where I go. As great as that is, there is a huge problem. On my laptop, you have to press on the trackpad with a fair amount of force to do something like drawing a curve in Adobe Illustrator. It is really aggravating. Did I find anything helpful in the trackpad settings? Nope! The solution, it turns out, is in accessibility settings. Enable...
This morning I woke up, grabbed a coffee, checked the weather on my phone, took a look at today’s news, paid a bill, read my email, checked social media then got down to work. For work, I checked online correspondence, reviewed a video, set up some remote training, did some research and fixed a bit of code on a client’s site. We are having company on the weekend, so I was coordinating that via text messages as well. All that before 7:30 AM.
This is routine stuff for millions...
I had the pleasure of being on AXSChat talking about web accessibility and Drupal in October. It was actually a two stage process as Neil Milliken and Antonio Santo had a really fun video conversation on the Friday before. Unfortunately, Debra Ruh was not able to join us for the video discussion. That was captured and captioned and uploaded on the weekend. Then on Tuesday, October 23rd, we had an hour long Twitter discussion flooding the Twitterverse with questions about accessibility using...
Derek Alton wrote a tweet in the middle of October that caught my eye and got me to come up with some suggestions. "Moment of frustration: I love bringing people who I think are inspiring together to do fun shit that they could not do on their own. Right now I feel like I have been bringing people together to talk when what I really want to do is bring people together to act, to do!"
I think of myself as a rather pragmatic guy so I suggested 10 tangible things that the GC can do. This...
There are over a million Drupal sites on the internet. There is a huge range of organizations who use Drupal across all sectors of our economy. Unfortunately, when you look at Drupal.org you mostly see representation from the web industry. Web development shops, communications teams, and freelancers that make their living from building and customizing Drupal sites.
It’s not that it isn’t amazing to have 100,000 plus developers in an online community working to make Drupal meet their...
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